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Below is a list of our Committees and their Chairpersons.

  • Below is a list of our Committees and their Chairpersons:
  • Culture and Travel Committee - Maria Phillips and Tom Brennan
    • Cultural Events - Pat Giblin and Penny Jeffrey
  • Curriculum Committee – Pam McConnell, Bev Sadowski and Patty Rondaris-Danzey
  • Finance Committee - Gary Erlinger and Edith Newman
  • Marketing Committee - Beth Townsend
    • Newsletter – Dan Bomeli
  • Office Services Committee - Janet Bodjiak
  • Registration and Membership Services Committee - Judy Drabik, Linda Faecking
  • Technology Support Committee - Karl Keller and Doug Porter
  • Scholarship Committee – Nancy Jirousek
  • Social Committee – Pam Aleandri
  • Website – Karl Keller 

Culture and Travel

Maria Phillips and Tom Brennan, Chairs - Coordinate and plan all travel programs for ILR members. Several one day and multi-day domestic trips are offered annually. One or two international trip opportunities may also be offered. These trips are planned by professional travel companies with whom we closely work.

Cultural Events

Pat Giblin and Penny Jeffrey, Chairs - Informs membership of available programs at local venues. Arranges ticketing, transportation (if needed) and makes all arrangements to assure a pleasant experience.


Pam McConnell, Bev Sadowski, and Patty Rondaris-Danzey, Chairs - Establish academic program of the ILR. Establish with Registration and Publicity the yearly academic calendar. Recruit and deploy Presenters. Recruit, train and deploy Coordinators. Provide such teaching aids as shall be required. Select and confirm classroom Presenters by vote of Curriculum Committee.


Gary Erlinger and Edith Newman, Chairs - The Finance Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and procedures which assure the integrity of ILR financial controls and records. Safeguards the assets of ILR, reviews the ILR financial report and makes recommendations as necessary to the Governing Board regarding the financial health of ILR.


Beth Townsend-  The Marketing Committee’s role is to create awareness, promote the ILR, and oversee promotional content development. The Marketing Committee develops and implements strategies on how to communicate the ILR message to current members, potential members, and stakeholders, and to generate interest in the mission of the ILR.


Dan Bomeli, Editor - Prepares and distributes newsletters to the members of ILR and designated others.

Office Services

Janet Bodjiak,  Chairs - Supervise the general operation of the ILR office, including the recruitment, training and deployment of volunteers assisting in office operations. Maintain an information and service center and respond to member questions (e.g. class catalogs, newsletters, luncheon invitations, cultural/travel event information, membership renewals) Communicate the work of committee chairs and informing the membership on such matters as: class catalogs, newsletters, luncheon invitations, cultural/travel event information, and membership renewals.

Registration and Membership Services

Judy Drabik, Linda Faecking, Charis - The Registration and Membership Services Committee headed by the Registrar maintains all membership and registration records of ILR members and plans and implements the registration process for all classes and organizational activities. 

Technology Support

Karl Keller and Doug Porter Chairs - Support, as needed, the program and functioning of ILR with respect to the use of computer technology. Review and revise hardware and software used by the ILR, with the approval of the Governing Board . Recommend to the Governing Board computer-based procedures likely to be helpful in carrying out the mission of the ILR. Provide computer services and advice to officers and committees who may require them.


Nancy Jirousek, Chair - The Scholarship Committee shall establish, maintain, and monitor the ILR Scholarship Program.

Social Events

Pam Aleandri, Chair - Schedule dates, prepare and distribute invitations and make all arrangements for ILR receptions, luncheons, dinners and the Annual Meeting.

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